The response to my post on Conservatives
and Progressives generated a rather long discussion on Facebook as well as
a comment here, so some additional explanation of some of the ideas that form
the basis of conservatism is in order, particularly because they may help
bridge some of the gap with Progressives.
Michael Novak argues that Western liberal democracy is a
three-legged stool built on economic freedom, political freedom, and moral
restraint. If any one fails, the stool collapses.
If, for example, we lose economic freedom, it will be
because someone—business, government, or an alliance between the two—will have
taken control of the economy. Once that happens, the same group will inevitably
also control the political system. Once that happens, history shows that
political freedom also becomes a thing of the past and the rulers become
corrupt (i.e. lose moral restraint). If, on the other hand, we lose political
freedom, the political class will inevitably take control of the economy to
preserve their power, and the problem of corruption will also follow. As Lord
Acton said, “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
The more interesting case, however, is what happens when
moral restraint fails. Moral restraint can fail on a number of levels, any one
of which can set the dominoes falling, but in this case, let’s consider
unethical behavior in the economic realm.
When businesses, or worse, entire industries lose their
ethical moorings, the absence of moral restraint leads inevitably to a crisis
in the industry, with potentially catastrophic effects on the economy. At this
point, to fill the void created by the lack of moral restraint, the government steps
in and “fixes” the problem through additional regulation or a flat out takeover.
That action degrades economic freedom and increases government’s authority in
areas that didn't have before and thus undermines political freedom as well.
The obvious example is the financial crisis connected to the
mortgage industry. Another is the current pay and bonus structure of CEOs,
which is completely out of line with economic reality, historical precedents,
and reason. While the free market may have led to this situation, it is
nonetheless ethically wrong: moral restraint is lacking, and thus this is
inviting intervention by the government, which will further undermine economic
Here’s where things get sticky and lots of finger pointing
tends to happen. Progressive see the very real problems created by business,
and they want the government to do something about them. Conservatives argue
that this is an attack on economic freedom and an unwarranted expansion of
government power.
What conservatives too often ignore is that the free market
solutions they prefer only work if there is an ethical foundation that keeps the
moral restraint leg from collapsing. The alternative is inevitable and
necessary government intervention to deal with the consequences of ethical
This is one reason why Chuck Colson and Robbie George
spearheaded the creation of Doing the Right Thing, a
six-part ethics curriculum designed to be used in a wide range of settings.
Unless we recover our ethical foundations, the entire project of Western
liberal democracy is threatened because government will be forced to deal with
the problems of the collapse of ethics in the economy and elsewhere in the
Ethical questions are usually considered a feature of social
conservatism, but the fact is that free markets only work if there is a solid
foundation of ethics. Recognizing this, along with the inevitability of
government intervention in the face of ethical failures, may help bridge some
of the gap between Conservative and Progressive ideas and programs. At least it
should provide some common ground for discussion.
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