
This blog grows out of my conviction that every aspect of our lives is sacred and is to be nurtured and celebrated as a good gift of God. Most of the posts will be the sorts of things you would expect from a historian and worldview teacher, but some are likely to be a bit surprising. Since God created all things good, including all aspects of human life, everything is interesting and important from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Everything under the Sun and under Heaven is thus fair game here. I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Article on Hildegard von Bingen

A new article in the series, Christians who Changed their World, is up. It's on medieval mystic, composer, writer, abbess, and physician Hildegard von Bingen.


  1. I personally know very little about this woman. I heard about her in a history class and read about her online. But that's about it. I wonder, if her visions were recognized, did she show up with any new theology? Or anything that would contradict modern day Catholic or Protestant theology? Are any of her cures used in the modern day as real medicine?

    1. There wasn't anything especially innovative in terms of the formal theological ideas--mystics typically don't work in that sphere. There are some alternative health practitioners who are interested in her cures, but very few.
