To understand
this controversy, we need to define predestination and see why it is important.
The idea behind predestination is that our salvation depends on God and not on
ourselves. Although there are a number of passages in Scripture that talk about
it (e.g. Rom. 8:29ff or Eph. 1), it didn’t become a major subject in theology
until the fourth century. A British monk named Pelagius had argued that our
salvation depended entirely on the choices we make; both original sin and
substitutionary atonement are false, according to Pelagius, since neither
Adam’s guilt, nor ours, nor the merits of Christ can be imputed to another
person. You are on your own before God. Some people in the church were heavily
influenced by Pelagius, but others rejected his ideas. The most important of
the latter was St. Augustine of Hippo. Augustine thought Pelagius’s ideas were
not only false, but downright dangerous. Christ is the author of our
salvation—it depends on what He has done, not what we have done. As a result,
the decision about salvation is in God’s hands, not ours. And this is a good
thing, since none of us deserves to be saved on the basis of our own merits. We
have all sinned, and as a result, no one deserves blessings from God—salvation
is a result of us getting what we don’t deserve, not what we do.
At this point,
we need to distinguish between two different versions of the doctrine of
predestination. Single predestination argues that God chooses some
people for salvation, and judges others according to their own merits. Of
course, that means they’ll be damned since no one measures up to God’s infinite
standard of holiness. Double predestination, on the other hand, argues
that God has a plan for everyone’s life—for some, it’s heaven, for others, it’s
hell. God chooses everyone to either fly or fry; He doesn’t just leave us to
our fate. This is a more severe version of the doctrine than singe
predestination, though there’s no practical difference between the two in terms
of the fate of those not chosen for salvation. There’s some dispute about
Augustine’s views. Most scholars argue that he held to single predestination,
others are equally sure he held to double predestination.
Augustine’s views, he won, and Pelagianism was declared a heresy. Between
Augustine’s day and the sixteenth century, many variations of the doctrine of
salvation emerged, with differing degrees of emphasis on human contributions to
salvation. Pelagianism was out, but then there’s semi-Pelagianism,
semi-Augustinianism, Augustinianism, hyper-Augustinianism, .... Catholic
theology generally fell somewhere between Pelagianism and Augustinianism.
Luther, as an
Augustinian monk, obviously was familiar with the history of the debate. And
with his “New Theology,” he adamantly rejected even a hint of Pelagianism: we
are saved by grace—God’s undeserved favor—and grace alone, and that comes from
faith and faith alone. But faith itself is a gift of God, it doesn’t come from
our actions or decisions. Period. But what this means is that God makes the
decisions—if our salvation depended on our decision or on our responding to God
in faith, then that decision or response would become the work which saves us,
an idea Luther adamantly rejected. As a result, Luther recognized the need for
predestination. It is a logical consequence of sola gratia and sola
fide, and besides, it’s a good scriptural term. But Luther wasn’t willing
to go any further than that. He believed that Scripture taught predestination,
but he didn’t think it told us how it worked. So he simply said it happened and
left it at that.
on the other hand, thought that Scripture taught double predestination. At the
same time, he didn’t think that it was an issue most people needed to deal
with. Calvin was more interested in preaching the fundamentals of the faith and
applying Scripture to life than in teaching about predestination, particularly
because the discussion would likely distract from more important issues. So
Calvin taught predestination in his theological works and biblical
commentaries, but not from the pulpit. He simply didn’t want to focus on it in
his public ministry. Unfortunately, he wasn’t given the chance to leave it in
the background.
Bolsec Controversy
Jerome Bolsec was a former monk and Catholic theologian who had
converted to Protestantism and moved to Geneva. He was working as the personal
physician of one of the nobles who lived outside the city and had become
familiar with Calvin and his writings. He didn’t like Calvin personally and was
irked by his ideas on predestination. So Bolsec took it upon himself to cause
problems for Calvin with predestination as a wedge issue. His plan was simple.
Calvin had too many things to do to attend the congregations (adult Bible
studies), so Bolsec decided to go to one of them, and when the pastor asked if
there were any questions, he would launch into his attack whether the passage
being studied had any connection to predestination at all. Word would spread
from there, and Calvin would never be able to get the lid on it; he’d be
discredited, and Geneva would get rid of him. It was an ingenious plan, except
for one slight miscalculation. Calvin was free that evening and showed up at
the congregation. When Bolsec finished his presentation—remember, he had come
gunning for bear—all eyes turned to Calvin to see how he would respond. Now
keep in mind that Calvin had no formal theological training, and further that
he was caught flat-footed by Bolsec. Despite this, he launched into a well
reasoned, well argued, and well presented case, citing from memory extensive
passages of Scripture and the church fathers verbatim. His presentation was so
convincing that when it was over, one of the magistrates promptly arrested
Bolsec for heresy.
was furious with Bolsec, not simply because he disagreed with Calvin on
predestination, but because of the underhanded way he went about his attack. As
a result, Calvin was out for blood at the trial. Bolsec was in fact convicted,
but the Council overruled Calvin and argued that Bolsec’s heresy wasn’t
sufficiently grave to warrant his execution. He was banished, though, and made
his way to France. After starting a number of controversies in the Reformed
churches there, he converted back to Catholicism and wrote a libelous (and
fictitious) biography of Calvin that became a staple of anti-Calvin propaganda.
did succeed in one part of his program, however: he made Calvin’s views on
predestination a very public issue. Lutherans, who never really trusted Calvin
because of his views on the Lord’s Supper, quickly picked up on it and began
attacking Calvin as a heretic. Ironically enough these attacks soon led the
Lutherans themselves to abandon predestination altogether, forgetting the fact
that Luther himself accepted it. Calvin couldn’t let these challenges go
unanswered, of course, and thus he ended up spending a considerable amount of
energy defending his views on a doctrine he didn’t particularly want to focus
on in his public ministry.
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