People today frequently argue that ethics, morality, and
ideas of virtue and character are entirely determined by culture, that they
have no objective reality. There is increasing evidence, however, that at least
some ideas about character are hardwired into us. One of the more interesting
studies comes from a group of psychologists who examined cultures from more
than 30 countries and all the major world religions. They found 24 character
traits that have been universally recognized as virtues by moral philosophers
and religious leaders throughout history. After compiling the list, they
examined isolated tribes including the Masai in African and the Inuit in Greenland and found the same ideas. The list includes:
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Open-mindedness
- Love of learning
- Perspective
- Bravery
- Persistence
- Integrity
- Vitality
- Love
- Kindness
- Social intelligence
- Citizenship
- Fairness
- Leadership
- Forgiveness and mercy
- Humility/modesty
- Prudence
- Self-regulation
- Appreciation of beauty and excellence
- Gratitude
- Hope
- Humor
- Spirituality
As part of your program of personal growth, why not look
over this list and rate yourself on each of the character traits. Which are your greatest strengths?
Which are greatest weaknesses? Find someone who knows you well and ask her or
him to rate you too, encouraging them to be brutally honest. Looking over the
answers from both lists, how do they compare? What can you do to build on your
strengths and shore up your weaknesses? Consider putting the answers on the list
of goals that you are working on this year.
(Thanks to Michael Lee Stallard, Fired Up or Burned Out, from which I learned about positive psychology.)
(Thanks to Michael Lee Stallard, Fired Up or Burned Out, from which I learned about positive psychology.)
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