Everyone talks about New Year’s resolutions, but few people
take them very seriously. They’re things we want to do to improve ourselves or
to address our dissatisfaction with our lives, but within a few weeks we
normally have fallen off the wagon, and having failed once, we forget about
If you look over the past year, how have you done? Have you
advanced in your relationships with God, with your family, and with your
friends? How about professionally and personally? Did you move forward in the
things that are important to you? If you continue on the trajectory you’ve set
in the last 12 months, will you be happy about where will you be next year? In
five years? In ten years? Be honest with yourself. If you don’t like the
answer, you need to be willing to put in the work and to establish new habits
that will change the direction you are going.
Personally, I know my life needs work.
The question is, how do we begin?
One place to start is looking at why resolutions fail. A lot
of reasons come to mind, but I think three are particularly important. First,
our resolutions are too extreme: we try to change too much, too fast. Second,
we don’t bring others into our resolutions, so that we lack social support and
accountability partners, or even worse, we have people around us who are
actively undermining our efforts. Third, we lack staying power; that it is
simply easier to fall back into old habits than to expend the energy over time
that it takes to develop new habits to replace the old.
So how do we fix these?
Suppose you have a big goal for the year, for example,
losing 50 pounds. That sounds like a lot, but it really only amounts to about a
pound a week. It doesn’t take dramatic action to reach that target, only
consistent, small decisions about what you eat and drink and about your
physical activities. In the same way, most other big goals can be reached
through small decisions that we make daily.
It takes about three weeks to develop a new habit. I would
suggest adjusting one habit in any area of your life that you want to improve and
spending a full month on it. Evaluate where you are at the end of the month: if
you haven’t been consistent, keep working to develop that habit; if you are
solid in the habit and are making satisfactory progress toward your goal, keep
at it, or if you think you’re ready to add more, maintain the first habit and
add something new.
Dramatic change is the result of the accumulation of small
changes over time.
Second, enlist the aid of the people you live with, and find
someone who you trust who will hold you accountable. Again, using the example
of weight loss, most people who fail in weight loss programs do so because of a
lack of social support. If the people closest to you won’t support your goals,
find out why. You may need to rethink what you're doing. But if their reasons don’t hold
water—for example, they don’t believe you can succeed or don’t want you to
because it threatens them—then find someone who will support you and move on.
Third, keep your long term goals in front of you, and keep
reminding yourself of the importance of taking small steps toward them. You
should write your goals out, ideally in long hand (it activates a different
part of the brain than typing), and if possible do this daily. It will remind
you of what you’re doing and why.
You will also need to increase your energy level, since it
takes energy to build new habits. Diet, exercise, and rest are all part of this,
but this post is already too long, so we will explore these in a later post.
I used to be a "darn I wish I had", I am trying to become a "gee I'm glad I did"
ReplyDeleteThis is great practical advice. I want to lose 20 lbs and this 3 step plan seems good - not just for losing weight, of course.